Our very own Amblyn Johnson, 10th grader at Harford Technical High School, recently took part in presenting her speech for WJZ’s annual Black History Month Oratory competition which emphasizes the impact of African American historical figures. The competition gives Maryland High School students the opportunity to showcase their writing and oratory skills. Each student chose from three different provided quotes and wrote a 500-word essay about what the quote means to them. The highest scoring essayists were invited to present their speech orally at this event on February 16th, 2025, in front of a panel of judges and friends and family.
Presented with the three quotes from three equally impressive historical figures, Dr. Lillie May Carroll Jackson, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and Jackie Robinson, it is understanding how the task initially appeared very overwhelming to many participants. When asked about her own experience, Amblyn Johnson expresses how the event first appeared daunting: “I felt intimidated by these quotes and had no idea of what to brainstorm or even discuss for my speech. What did these quotes actually mean to me?”
“Impact. A life is impacted by others through actions, words, and legacy. From that phrase, my entire speech was formed” stated Amblyn Johnson about the influences behind her writing. Upon reading the quote from Jackie Robinson, Amblyn was inspired by the meaningful words “life” and “impact.” Centering her essay around those two words, she created a powerful oration about the importance of our own actions. Her words reminded all listeners that our actions impact everyone within society, not just ourselves. They carried a powerful message of selflessness, courage, and perseverance, even in the face of struggles and adversity.
Despite her nerves Amblyn Johnson impressed us all with how fearlessly she took her place in front of the crowd and delivered her message. “When my name was called, a dark tide rose within me, threatening to engulf me entirely.” Amblyn said about her time on stage. Regardless of her anxieties, she pushed through in an act of strength and bravery. “After I walked off the stage, I felt something bright shine upon me. It was happiness and relief. I was proud of myself for getting my speech done, and I was excited to see the other speeches.”
Amblyn shared about her passion towards writing, stating that “For me, writing is a form of expression even for emotions and what you want to say about a topic.” Choosing the provided quote by Jackie Robinson, Amblyn chose to focus her essay on Impact, and the specific events and aspects that can impact a life. Her speech revolved around the achievements Jackie Robinson made in his lifetime, and how those accomplishments impacted those around him.
Amblyn Johnson did a wonderful job at how she confidently brought her compelling and impactful thoughts to life and made all of us here at tech proud. She leaves us with a message about impact, and the importance of remembering our own impact. “This experience ignited a desire within me to connect with others, to understand their stories, and to make a real impact on their lives.”