With second semester starting, it’s easy to forget how to stay motivated and focused on your schoolwork. But halfway through the year is not the time to give up on good grades. AP test are right around the corner and finals are closer then you think, and the work you do in the middle is the easiest to forget. Not to mention 3rd quarter is the one that feels the longest due to the lack of extended breaks. This can leave you with the feeling of exhaustion or burn out. But don’t worry, there are so many things you can do to avoid those feelings while also learning and retaining all the content being taught. Here are some I’ve learned as a TAM+ student that help students learn, and if you’re struggling to study or stay focused, it might help you too!
When I’m trying to study or get a specific assignment done and I just can’t focus, one of my go to methods to refresh my brain is simply changing my environment. Where you’re doing your work can have major effects on how well you’re able concentrate. The first thing you should be aware of is the distractions around you. Are you with friends? are there loud noises or people talking around? People constantly coming and going? Going to an area with less distractions could help you focus. But another thing you should be aware of is how long you’ve been in the same place. Sometimes you just need to get up and move. If you’re in one spot for too long, your brain might just get bored. When I’m in the same classroom for 3 periods straight, I’ll focus well during the 1st and 2nd but by the 3rd I’m unable to focus and am desperate for a change. For this reason, whenever I get the chance to switch up where I’m at during those periods, ill usually take it. So, if you’re having trouble focusing, maybe ask your teacher if you can move your seat to a less distracting, or new area of the classroom. Or take a break from studying to change locations.
Open a window! Artificial light can be tiring on your eyes. And natural light is so good for your mind! Exposure to sunlight increases the brains releases of serotonin. This can help you feel calmer and more focused. Nature does that too! If the weather is nice don’t be afraid to go study outside. Being outside also reduces stress by lowering your cortisol levels, it helps reduce mental fatigue and improve your overall cognitive ability. So going outside (even when you aren’t studying) can help you to focus longer both in and out of the classroom.
How you take care of yourself outside of the classroom could have a direct effect on how you learn inside the classroom. Things like getting enough sleep, eating breakfast, and exercising may seem like they wouldn’t help, but they do! Not only will you just feel better in general, but they will help improve your cognitive ability and focus.
Take breaks while doing work at home. Theres a lot of different study to break period ratios you can try based on how long you’re able to focus for. My favorite is 50:10. I spend 50 minutes studying or doing schoolwork and then take a 10 minute break and then repeat. When I use this method, I am able to stay completely focused for the entire study period and by the end of the break period I am recharged and ready to work.
What’s most important is that you’re able to take time for yourself too! Spend time with friends, take a nap, take time to do your hobby. This is very important if you want to avoid being burnt out and tired. It also makes it harder and less enjoyable to study if its taking up all your time and limiting your ability to do what you like. School and studying doesn’t have to be something you dread. It can actually be entertaining if you let it!